Three Cities in the Making of a Rabbi

Price: $18.00


Three Cities in the Making of a Rabbi: Vienna, Washington, and Jerusalem
A Memoir by Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman, 2012

In Three Cities in the Making of a Rabbi: Vienna, Washington, and Jerusalem, Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman discusses his youth in Vienna and academic studies there, the fall of Vienna and his narrow escape from being arrested by a Nazi stormtrooper, his passage to America where he continued his rabbinical and university studies, and his long and productive career as a rabbi. He also describes his sabbaticals in Israel and travels around the world, where he met with many significant spiritual and political leaders, and his many personal and professional milestones, including his marriage to Maxine and their raising four children. Throughout these adventures, Rabbi Haberman comments on his own life experiences and the events in the world around him with humor, wisdom, and a philosophical perspective.

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